Monday, July 18, 2011

A little something extra with your inspiring book

Today, at the Pasqua Hospital Gift Shop in Regina, Dionne Warner and I signed copies of Never Leave Your Wingman: Dionne and Graham Warner's Story of Hope. (Graham stopped by for a few minutes to sign as well before heading to a work appointment.) Among the people who stopped to buy a signed copy of the book were: two or three people who had either heard us on the radio or seen the article in the Regina Leader-Post, several people who were either undergoing chemotherapy or their spouses were undergoing chemo, some hospital staff who got to know Dionne when she volunteered at the cancer clinic before her latest diagnosis and treatment began, and a few people who saw our sign and were intrigued by her story of surviving cancer seven times. We heard some compliments from people who'd read the book and one man was pleasantly surprised when he saw another DriverWorks Ink title on a bookmark we gave him: "You did The Little Coat?" he asked. Yes. Yes, we did, I said proudly. So that was a fun conversation as well.
   And, as usual, Dionne came with a little something extra to brighten everyone else's day. She carried in a bag of small rocks and each rock had the word 'Hope' painted on it. She then handed out these 'Hope' rocks to cancer patients, survivors and customers who were purchasing the book for a patient or survivor. Continuing to do what she can to bring hope to others - that's Dionne Warner.

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