Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Favourite phrases from our great Prairie books

I am privileged to spend my days doing three things that I love: (1) writing and (2) sharing stories about fascinating, inspiring people (3) written by Prairie authors including myself.

Here are a few of my favourite quotes/lines from some of our great Prairie books:

The Sailor and the Christmas Trees by Deana Driver:
     "As long as I live, I will always remember those wee children standing at the railing on that ship. They must have been only four to six years old and some were wearing adult lifebelts. Those life jackets were way too big for them, but they were wearing them to be safe in case of trouble on the crossing."
                  - John Hanlon about his December 1944 crossing from England to Canada

The Little Coat: The Bob and Sue Elliott Story by Alan J. Buick:
     Bob Elliot was at the controls of his Sexton SP as the 19th Field Regiment and the 55th Infantry Battalion of the Canadian Army moved into Alphen that day. Bob was worried he might run over the local people as they swarmed around the monster machine he was driving and climbed onto the tank to hug their liberators. He had to stop the machine on many occasions to avoid crushing some of the people who welcomed the Canadian soldiers so warmly.
     As Bob looked at the crowd of happy faces, he knew that all the pain and suffering he had endured since landing in Normandy had been worth every moment. Tears came to his eyes as he saw the joy and gratitude on the faces of these people who had endured five years of oppression. Being a member of the Army that had freed them was a humbling experience. He knew he would never forget these moments.

SuperMom and the Big Baby by Dave Driver:
     “Nice outfit, Mom…” said Dad, “Or should I say… SuperMom! Now let’s go get our son back!”

 Never Leave Your Wingman: Dionne and Graham Warner's Story of Hope by Deana J. Driver:    
      Suddenly, there is a commotion around the corner in front of the admissions desk. A song is playing very loudly – a country song – and into view comes a strikingly beautiful woman in a cowboy outfit, riding on a man’s back, shouting “Woo Hoo! Yee Ha!” at the top of her lungs.
     She’s swinging a lasso and yelling, “Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!”
     What the heck is going on? This is a cancer clinic. The patients who come here are very ill. They seldom smile and they NEVER cheer.
     Obviously, no one told that to Dionne Warner.

Letters to Jennifer From Maudie & Oliver by Sharon Gray:
     This is Maudie speaking.
     I also help Oliver with his grooming, in particular his ears. Have you ever noticed how big his ears are? Don’t know why, he never listens. He is having problems with his pee-pee works again. He was whisked off to see Dr. Peter the other day – they didn’t even tell me that they were leaving me ALL ALONE. Sometimes they are so inconsiderate about me and my feelings.
     Oliver has to take pills for his condition. YOW! Is he ever funny! He staggers around after he has his pills and he has a glassy haze to his eyes – he is cross-eyed, so it looks even more funny. (I’m not cross-eyed. I’m beautiful and lovely. But you know that.)

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