Thursday, July 25, 2013

Words and Other Things In The Park - Regina

This has been an unusual summer because of a late spring, extra rain, and a late growing season. But the plants have finally grown and blossomed, and we are now enjoying all variety of outdoor experiences.

I've spent the noon hour for these past three Wednesdays in beautiful Victoria Park in downtown Regina - participating in Words In The Park.

On the first Wednesday, I was one of three writers who spoke, and I read from my non-fiction books Never Leave Your Wingman and  The Sailor and the Christmas Trees.

 We also heard from Marie Powell, who read some of her fiction...

 ...and Michael Trussler, who read some of his poetry.

(Here's a link where you'll see much better photos than we took that day. Thank you, Shelley Banks!)

For the last two Wednesdays, I was the host for Words In The Park, and I introduced these Saskatchewan writers:

Lt. Donald Aden Bowman wrote about his adventures at sea during the war.

Rolli read from his poetry and short stories.
Leah Dorion read one of her children's stories...

... and Bob Friedrich read an article about Regina's downtown temples.

On my treks in and around the park, these are the sights that caught my attention:

The skyline - showing off Regina's 'twin towers'.

The setting up of the space for Words In The Park, with the Wednesday Farmers' Market in the background. 

This pillow, sitting so casually on a park bench, surprised me. Did someone put it there for others to use? Did someone use it and then leave it behind? Maybe it's just there for a photo prop. Hmmm.... my curious mind wonders (and often wanders, too).

This gorgeous two-coloured rose also surprised and pleased me.

Proselytizing In The Park. A young man loudly shared his evangelical Christian views, while another man carried a cross that stated "Are You Ready?' and another videotaped the speech and surroundings. At one point, a vendor had a chat with the speaker. She was obviously not happy about the effect the loud speech was having on her nearby farmer's market stall.

And then I saw Yoga In The Park - from the back side only. What a wonderful use of this downtown green space!

When I returned home, I stopped to enjoy my lovely flower garden before going inside to my home office to continue what I do best - write, edit and help others publish and market their books.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, folks! We certainly intend to do so!

We'll see you again in the fall!

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