Publishing stories of fascinating Prairie People and Unsung Heroes

Welcome to the blog of Deana Driver - author, editor, and publisher of DriverWorks Ink, a book publishing company based in Saskatchewan. We publish stories of inspiring, fascinating Prairie people and unsung Canadian heroes - written by Prairie authors including Deana Driver. We also publish genres of healing and wellness, rural humour, and children's historical fiction. Visit our website to learn more about our books.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Warm Welcome to Carlyle Homespun Craft Show

Each fall since 2009, I've showcased and sold my books at craft shows and trade shows in Saskatchewan and other Prairie communities. That's 15 years of setting up tables, chairs, books, brochures, and posters in exhibition halls, schools, museums, hockey rinks, and more to sell the books I edit, publish, and sometimes write. And it's been great!

These venues enable me to meet customers and learn what they like about the books I create and what they want to see more of in future publications. I hear accolades about my writing and that of my authors, and it's heartwarming to talk to people who have bought our books and come back for more.

The organizers of these shows are awesome humans too, and a recent event in Carlyle, SK proved it once again.

Upon arrival, I was met by Nicole Currie, one of the organizers of the 38th annual Carlyle Homespun Craft & Quilt Show. Alongside Nicole was her young grandson, Kitt, who quickly endeared himself to me with his choice of T-shirt.

Nicole Currie, an organizer of Carlyle Homespun 2024
Nicole's grandson Kitt with his "red wings" T-shirt

(The Detroit Red Wings was my late husband Al's favorite team, so any red wings that pop up since Al's death is a gentle sign of Al's spirit visiting us.)

Young Kitt then went on to endear himself to all the vendors by running from booth to booth as we were setting up our tables. Carrying a stack of sticky notes, Kitt enthusiastically told me, "You're working really hardly, so I want to give you three checkmarks. If you work really hard, you get 10."

That cracked me up!

Kitt handing out checkmarks to vendor Deana Driver of DriverWorks Ink, at Carlyle Homespun 2024
(Photo by Nicole Currie)

He then went to another booth down the aisle, where the vendor asked for a star on his note as well.

"If he gets a star, I want a star!" I called out to Kitt, who immediately came running back to my booth. He carefully added a star - which is "really hard to draw" - to my sticky note. I asked him to write his name too. He complied.

3 checkmarks and a star from Kitt

How much fun is that?

Nicole informed her grandson, "When your dad was little, I bought some books from this lady and her husband. I asked your dad, 'Will you read them?' I said, 'If you read them, I will buy them."

So that adds another wonderful memory for me of why I do what I do with our Prairie stories.

Thanks, Nicole and Kitt for putting a smile on my face at my first craft show of the 2024 fall season!

DriverWorks Ink books booth at Carlyle Homespun 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Buried Treasure in the Backyard

While I was working in my new backyard transplanting peonies, my new neighbour Patty brought me a bowl of gluten-free spaghetti and meat sauce. What a great neighbour! 

I've hired Patty to repaint the main floor of my house, so we've been spending a lot of time together. I told her that I had hit something solid with my shovel when I was digging in the backyard. It was a strange light blue colour and it made a strange noise when the shovel hit it. I had no idea what it was. "Come, I'll show you," I told her.

"Maybe it's buried treasure," Patty said hopefully.

"If it is, we'll split it," I replied.

So we started digging ... and digging.

I had a feeling this might be an important moment, so Patty kept digging while I went to grab my phone camera.

We hoped we wouldn't uncover a dead animal, like a beloved family pet. Mostly we hoped it wasn't a buried power line that was about to zap us or cause chaos in the neighbourhood because of our curiosity.

We dug and dug and the light blue surface kept getting bigger and bigger.

I sent a photo of it to a contractor friend and asked if he had any idea what it might be. "It sounds like porcelain, " I told him. 

"Very strange," he replied. 

Meanwhile, Patty kept digging and we discovered that this thing was rectangular and had rounded corners.

With one last turn of the shovel, Patty flipped our buried treasure up out of its resting place. 

We laughed and laughed! 

Wow. It is Porcelain! 

It's the top of a toilet tank!

Why was it buried? No idea. It doesn't really matter to me. "I'm keeping it for its story," I laughed as I hauled this blue treasure to its new spot in my yard - above ground!

"We're not any richer, but we've got a great story," I told Patty, who replied with a hilarious comment...

"We're still splitting it! One week it will be in your yard, and the next week it will be in mine." 

We laughed and laughed some more at our new bonding backyard adventure. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

101-year-old WW2 pilot views Lancaster bomber during RCAF's 100th anniversary flight

Canada's only Avro Lancaster bomber in flying condition made a special stop in Saskatoon on July 18th to honour Reginald "Crash" Harrison, who flew Lancasters in the Second World War. And I, as the author and publisher of the book about Reg's intriguing life (Crash Harrison: Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death), was privileged to have a front-row seat at the event. It was a once-in-a-lifetime, unforgettable experience!

More than 7,300 Avro Lancasters were in use at the end of the Second World War. Today, only two are flightworthy - one in the United Kingdom and this one, named after Andrew Mynarski, a mid-upper gunner from Winnipeg who died in service and was the first RCAF member to receive the Victoria Cross.

The Mynarski Memorial Lancaster left its home at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope, Ontario, to fly across Canada in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the RCAF. The Lancaster made a fuel stop in Saskatoon as part of a special tribute to war veteran Reg "Crash" Harrison.

The Mynarski Memorial Lancaster arrived at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum in Saskatoon on July 18, 2024

In 1944, at age 22, Reg Harrison flew Halifax and Lancaster bombers in the Royal Canadian Air Force from Croft Air Base in England. He completed 19 missions over France and Germany. He received credit for serving a full tour, being released from duty after he survived four aircraft crashes - none of which were his fault - including one in which he had to land a Lancaster on one wheel. His commanding officer did not want to risk that Reg would survive a Crash #5.

Reg Harrison landed this Lancaster in England in November 1944, after bullets from another plane caused one of the Lancaster's wheels to not come down. It was his 4th and final crash in the war.

The last time Reg Harrison flew a Lancaster was in December 1944, just after he was told he was released from service. Before he was sent back to Canada, he wanted to take the plane up one more time, and he was granted permission to do so with an engineer beside him. Reg flew a Lancaster for about 15 minutes that day, his Pilot's Flying Log Book records.

Reg will be 102 years old in mid-August. He has been looking forward to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the RCAF ever since I met him in 2019, when I was interviewing him for Volume 1 of the series Flight: Stories of Canadian Aviation.

Reg had hoped to see this Lancaster in the RCAF celebration air show at Cold Lake, Alberta on July 20th. Unfortunately, Reg caught a strange virus a couple weeks before the event, which left him weak and unable to make the trip to Cold Lake.

Fortunately, some fine folks in Saskatchewan's aviation community were making arrangements with the Warplane Heritage Museum to see if the Lancaster could stop in Saskatoon on its way to Cold Lake. A generous local donor paid for aviation fuel, ensuring that the Lancaster stopped for refuelling and a public viewing in Saskatoon, and a burger lunch contributed to a successful fundraiser for the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum as well.

Even more fortunately, Reg Harrison is a tough human being, and we wasn't going to let a virus keep him away from seeing the bomber. With the help of his daughters Marion and Laurie and his sister Sylvia, plus a huge amount of determination and a little stubbornness, Reg rebounded remarkably well and was at the aviation museum to see the Lancaster arrive.

The Saskatoon Airport Authority drove Reg, Laurie, and Sylvia out to the runway area so Reg could enjoy watching the aircraft land. Then their vehicle followed the plane in.

What a sight it was to see that big, loud aircraft taxi in toward the museum

As a retired journalist and the author of the book about Reg's life story, I couldn't just stand back and watch from the sidelines. Reg and I formed a strong bond during my interviews and writing process, and I wanted to stay close to him and the action during this day's events. (I am grateful to my author friend (who is also Reg's friend) Mary Harelkin Bishop, for handling my book sales table as I did things like run out onto the tarmac and convince the guard to allow me to join the family and working media members under the airplane's wing. Sometimes I just have to call on my extroverted ex-journalist persona to do what I need to do.)

At one point, I saw Reg standing alone under the airplane's wing. I was moved by the scene and I snapped these special photos.

Reg had tears in his eyes. So did his daughter and sister.

Fl. Lt. (Retired) Reginald "Crash" Harrison recalls his wartime experiences as he looks up at the Mynarski Memorial Lancaster bomber in Saskatoon, SK, July 18/24

Fl. Lt. (Retired) Reginald "Crash" Harrison gets emotional as he remembers wartime while viewing the Mynarski Memorial Lancaster in Saskatoon, SK, July 18/24

In general, it was a fantastic event for Reg Harrison. He was spry enough to spend 5 hours at the museum that day, including that long walk out to the aircraft and answering questions from journalists and others in the 35-degree Celsius heat. He did this all while wearing his uniform too! Reg cheerfully chatted with numerous visitors, including people who had a connection to his farming community and family, and he told many stories of his time in the service.

Reginald "Crash" Harrison speaks with media under the wing of a WWII Lancaster bomber in Saskatoon, July 18, 2024

Reg was delighted by this special day. He said this was an early birthday gift that topped all the surprises he's had in his life!

Come along and enjoy these photos of a terrific event that was designed to honour the people who served and their sacrifices in the Second World War.

As Reg Harrison says, he is grateful to be one of the lucky ones. Let us not forget those who served, especially those who did not come back. I thank Reg and all those who served. We must endeavour to never forget.

Author-publisher Deana J. Driver with Reginald "Crash" Harrison and the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum's Brian Eikel, July 18/24 

Reg Harrison chats with the Mynarski Lancaster pilots

Reg Harrison with the crew of the Mynarski Memorial Lancaster, July 18/14

Media scrum with Reg Harrison under the wing of the Lancaster

Reg "Crash" Harrison with author-publisher Deana J. Driver, Saskatoon, SK, July 18/24

Reg Harrison with Greg Yuel and Brian Swidrovich, who were instrumental in getting the Lancaster to stop in Saskatoon, July 18/24

Reg Harrison with his daughter Laurie Harrison (left) and sister Sylvia (Harrison) Acton

Walking back to the hangar and out of the sun

Author Deana Driver standing under the bomb bay of the Mynarski Lancaster

The cockpit of the Mynarski Lancaster with undercarriage open

The four-engine Avro Lancaster has a 31-metre wingspan

Reg "Crash" Harrison with the Mynarski Lancaster in the background, July 18, 2024, at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum, Saskatoon, SK

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

101-year-old bomber pilot shares wartime adventure stories with Canadian Aviation Historical Society

At age 19, Reginald Harrison enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was looking for adventure away from the Saskatchewan farm where he grew up and he wanted to serve his country in the Second World War, just like most of the young men around him. By age 21, Reg was flying a Halifax aircraft out of the Croft air base in England, dropping bombs on the enemy forces in Germany and France. 

Weighing only 118 pounds, Reg chose to sit on top of his parachute pack inside the aircraft to give himself a better view out the windows of the huge Halifax bomber. During one of his flights, the parachute nearly killed him - during the third of what would eventually become four crashes Reg survived during the war. Reg served our country and the Allied Forces well and, upon returning to Canada from the war, met his future wife through a fellow bomber pilot. 

At almost 102 years old, Reg "Crash" Harrison recently shared some of the stories of his wartime experiences with members of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society at their national convention held at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Almost 102-year-old Reginald "Crash" Harrison and author Deana J. Driver at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum for the national convention of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society, June 22, 2024

As the author of the new book about Reg's life (Crash Harrison: Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death), I was pleased to have been invited to speak to the group alongside Reg and to again listen to him tell some of his incredible wartime stories.

It was an honour to address this group, which is the oldest and largest organization in the world dedicated to the celebration and documentation of Canada's flying heritage. And it is always a huge honour to sit beside Reg Harrison as he tells stories about his time in the RCAF.

It is always heartwarming to watch the reverence that people rightly have for this man who served in the war and survived four crashes and significant traumatic events. They, like me, have come to appreciate his remarkably clear memory of those events and how he can - at almost 102 years old - still share them with avid listeners.

I watch with gratitude as people line up to shake Reg's hand and have him autograph their copy of the Crash Harrison book. (I get to sign the books too, which is always nice. And Reg usually says something nice about me to whoever asks about how the book came to be. He and I mutually admire each other.)

101-year-old Reg "Crash" Harrison and author Deana J Driver signing Crash Harrison books at the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum, June 22, 2024  
 - photo by John Chalmers, CAHS member

CAHS delegate has Reg Harrison autograph the book, June 22, 2024

Another CAHS delegate chats with Reg "Crash" Harrison, June 22, 2024

This delegate to the CAHS convention and I were pleased to realize that she and I sing in the same community choir in Regina!

During our presentation at the CAHS convention in the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum in June, I recorded these videos of Reg telling his stories:

WW2 bomber pilot tells how his parachute got caught as he bailed out in 1944

101-year-old WW2 bomber pilot had dangerous flights & landings in a Lancaster in 1944

101-year-old WW2 bomber pilot talks about his aircraft bailout in 1944 & being ever-grateful

After the presentation, an elderly man came up to our table and introduced himself. Dr. Robert Galway had a special story he wanted to tell me and Reg about how he also knew the doctor who performed the reconstructive surgery on Reg's arm during the war. What a wonderful serendipity!

Dr. Robert Galway meets Reg "Crash" Harrison in Saskatoon, June 22, 2024

I asked Dr. Galway if he would tell me the whole story so I could record it and share it. He was pleased to do that. Enjoy this remarkable interview...

A 101-year-old WW2 bomber pilot & a Canadian doctor share connections to the Guinea Pig Club

Reg and I say thank you to the Canadian Aviation Historical Society for the invitation to speak to the convention delegates. Thank you to the Saskatchewan Aviation Museum for hosting the event. Thank you to all those who attended, enjoyed the presentations, and purchased books.

As Reg says every time he talks about his stories, we must remember those who served and especially those who did not make it home from the war.

We must not forget.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Honouring Those Who Served - 80th Anniversary of D-Day

Thursday, June 6, 2024, will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings along the Normandy coast during the Second World War. This event by Allied forces, which ultimately led to the liberation of Europe, will be commemorated at various places, including Juno Beach Centre in France.

In 2013, my late husband Al and I visited Juno Beach and carried a copy of Alan J. Buick's award-winning book The Little Coat: The Bob and Sue Elliott Story with us onto the beach. It was eerie and emotional to walk on those grounds where so much occurred.

The late Bob Elliott was a Canadian tank commander who arrived in France at Juno Beach - an overwhelming experience he was able to survive while many others perished in battle. The little coat he and his troop commissioned to be sewn out of a Canadian army blanket as a gift for a sympathetic Dutch girl is now an artifact in the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa because of Alan Buick's fantastic book.

The Little Coat is one of several books published by DriverWorks Ink that share stories of those who served in the Second World War and other conflicts in the name of world peace.

We recommend that you read:
- Crash Harrison: Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death, written by Deana J. Driver (that's me), about a Saskatchewan farmboy who grew up during the Great Depression and survived four airplane crashes in England during World War II;
- See You in Le Touquet, written by Romie Christie about her lawyer father's work as an Army officer during World War II and how he liberated his future wife (Romie's mother) and her town of Le Touquet, France as the war was ending;
- all three of the books in the series Flight: Stories of Canadian Aviation, which share vignettes and memories of brave military personnel serving around the world; and
- The Sailor and the Christmas Trees, written by Deana Driver, about a Manitoba man's kindness to shipmates and others in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on Christmas Day 1944.
All these books are available from

We share the sentiment of Sussie Cretier, the Dutch girl in The Little Coat story, who said as an adult, "My gratitude for the young men who gave up their youth and their lives for the freedom of our country. I never, ever will forget."

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mentoring an author with a special connection

This is a new and exciting venture for me in my publishing business and a Throwback Thursday moment too...

I had a lunch meeting in Swift Current with author and publisher Tekeyla Friday to discuss her work as a publisher of kids' books with a STREAM theme (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).

She's written and published Prince Prickly Spine and has other projects planned.

Tekeyla came into our family's life in 2012, when she was an angelic medium who provided a reading to my eldest daughter, Lisa Driver, and changed Lisa's life. Tekeyla said that Lisa was meant to talk to and connect with angels, become a spiritual coach, and guide others - which she has done and has since written four books in that area. (See Lisa's story in her first book, Opening Up: How to Develop Your Intuition and Work With Your Angels.)

Fast forward 12 years... 

Tekeyla invited me to be her publishing industry mentor as she pursued this new path of being an author and book publisher. I eagerly agreed. It's an honor and a privilege to give back to the industry that has been so kind to me over these last couple of decades. And sharing one's knowledge with others is fun!

Thanks to the Clarence Campeau Development Fund's Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship & Business Development programs for helping young women like Tekeyla in their new business ventures. And thanks, Tekeyla, for asking me to be your mentor and for helping Lisa find her calling.

Deana J Driver and Tekeyla Friday

Opening Up book by Lisa Driver

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Sure Signs of Spring in Saskatchewan

The sight of a robin is always my first sign of Spring. 

Except this year.

On April 5th, my young granddaughters and I were looking out my front window when a large, solid black butterfly flew by us, flittering away just under the roof overhang at the top of the window.

We couldn't believe our eyes. A butterfly in April in Regina? I've never seen that, and I've lived here for almost 50 years.

I looked online for information about butterflies that live in Saskatchewan in winter and the closest butterfly I could find that resembles the large all-black butterfly we saw would be a Mourning Cloak.
Although their black wings turn brown when they are older, Mourning Cloaks are one of only three varieties of butterflies that hibernate in Saskatchewan in winter and come out early in springtime. 

Saskatoon Zoo Society page states: "Mourning Cloaks, anglewings, and tortoiseshells are the only Saskatchewan butterflies that hibernate as adults. (Other butterflies and moths usually survive the winter in the egg stage, although some will overwinter in the caterpillar or pupae/ chrysalis stages). The amazing part is they freeze completely solid in the winter and come back to life when they thaw out."

Another interesting paragraph about the Mourning Cloak butterfly is from a Canadian Entomology Cool Insects blog: "How long do butterflies live? For most, the answer is “not very long,” after what may have been many months as an egg, caterpillar, and chrysalis. For the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), however, life as a butterfly can stretch over an entire year. Mourning Cloaks spend the winter in hibernation, under bark for example, and they are often the “first butterfly of spring,” along with their close relatives, the tortoiseshells and commas. Since Mourning Cloaks are widespread in North America and Eurasia, they are probably the most oft-encountered spring butterflies in the north temperate world. After feeding on various trees (elm, willow, and poplar are all acceptable fare) as caterpillars, Mourning Cloak butterflies emerge from their pupae in mid to late summer. They sometimes live as long as twelve months as adults. In springtime, they typically emerge from hibernation before the first flowers are in bloom, and they feed on everything from sap flows to dung to mud, in order to obtain the nutrients necessary for such a long life."

So there you go.  

I've never looked into the wintering habits of insects in Saskatchewan before, choosing to just appreciate and accept them with gratitude when they show up. The early butterfly in my yard this year does not quite match the photos of any of the creatures on this Butterfly Identification page, and entomologists are welcome to correct me, but I'm guessing my new friend is a young black Mourning Cloak.

Usually, a ladybug is the first insect I see outdoors in springtime, and we saw at least a dozen of those in my yard on the weekend too. But that large black butterfly this year sure showed up its friendly flying neighbours. It even flew in front of me today as I drove into my back alley. How wonderful!

A black butterfly is said to be a sign of faith, hope, and new life, and a symbol of positive change.

Welcome, Springtime! And a special welcome back to our flying friends!

This robin was in my front yard yesterday.

My granddaughter gently holding a ladybug

A butterfly in my backyard in August 2023.


Monday, April 1, 2024

100th Anniversary of the RCAF celebrated by 101-year-old Canadian Bomber Pilot

April 1, 2024, marks 100 years of service for the Royal Canadian Air Force. It's been an important milestone for Reginald "Crash" Harrison, who turned 101 years old in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan last August and was setting his sights on living long enough to see the 100th anniversary of the RCAF - which he has done!

Reg was a Canadian bomber pilot during the Second World War. His life story, including growing up on a Saskatchewan farm and then surviving 4 wartime aircraft crashes in England, is told in my new book Crash Harrison: Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death ( ).

Reginald "Crash" Harrison and author /publisher Deana J. Driver with
the book Crash Harrison - Tales of a Bomber Pilot Who Defied Death

I spoke with Reg a few days ago and he told me his plan is to attend one of this summer's air shows celebrating the 100th RCAF anniversary. Saskatchewan cities are all too close to their airports, he said, so he'll likely travel to Cold Lake, Alberta, with family members to see his favourite
Canadian Forces Snowbirds and other talented aviators in action.

If you want more information about the RCAF's 100th-anniversary celebrations, go to which lists the events and also states:
    "The Centennial milestone places the RCAF in a unique position to honour its distinct heritage; recognize its tremendous people today; and generate excitement for its bright future. This is an opportunity to fuel internal and external support in the organization that instills pride in Your Air Force while creating an enduring legacy that propels the institution forward into its next century of service. Canada’s Air Force will be showcased in a past, present, and future context, with a focus on highlighting contributions to national safety and security, international peace, and global stability."

Happy Anniversary, Royal Canadian Air Force! Thank you for your service.

Friday, March 22, 2024

One Book One Province launch of Miss G and Me at Government House in Regina

What a fabulous evening of celebration we had at Government House in Regina, Saskatchewan as author Jennifer S. Wallace's memoir about her mother, Miss G and Me, was launched as the One Book One Province title for 2024!

The Saskatchewan Library Association's OBOP program encourages libraries, book clubs, and individuals all across Saskatchewan to read this book and share discussions about the story. Jennifer will be presenting at various libraries across the province during April. See the schedule here.

Miss G and Me is a gracious memoir that Jennifer penned about her mother, Ruth Williamson (aka Miss G). Ruth left Jamaica at a young age, under her mother's direction, to pursue a nursing education in England. Ruth then chose her own path, which led her to Canada, like so many immigrants in the late 1960s. Unlike many immigrants from the Caribbean at that time, Ruth ended up in rural Saskatchewan, working as a nurse while adjusting to the culture and climate of the Canadian Prairies.

Ruth’s life is one of resilience and determination. She married Ian MacLeod in Saskatoon in 1971, blending cultures in a mixed-race marriage unusual for its era. She built a nursing career that spanned over forty years, and mentored women and children from other countries and backgrounds. It wasn’t until the nickname “Miss G” came up during a phone call from Jamaica that Ruth's daughter, author Jennifer Wallace, began asking more questions and unraveling the mysteries of her mother’s life.

Jennifer uses anecdotes, journals, poetry, and essays to explore their relationship and lessons learned from her mother. The book invites readers and listeners to experience Jamaican, English, and prairie Canadian voices, cultures, landscapes, and mindsets.

I am delighted to have played a role in bringing this story to light, and proud that my company, DriverWorks Ink, published this fascinating cultural gem.

Enjoy these photos of our exceptional evening celebrating this wonderful Jamaican-Canadian story.

Welcome to Government House, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada!

Carolyn Speirs, Executive Director and Private Secretary of the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, attaches a microphone to help Jennifer S. Wallace get ready for a CTV News interview 

Jennifer S. Wallace, all set to be interviewed about her award-winning book Miss G and Me

Publisher Deana Driver of DriverWorks Ink, Saskatchewan Library Association One Book One Province representative Colleen Murphy, and author Jennifer S. Wallace at Government House, Regina, SK, Canada, March 21, 2024

Jennifer S. Wallace poses with her Miss G and Me book at Government House, Regina, SK, Canada

Jennifer S. Wallace with Mary Harelkin Bishop, another award-winning DriverWorks Ink author and Jennifer's mentor on the Miss G and Me book project

Publisher Deana Driver with Jennifer S. Wallace and her mother Ruth, aka Miss G

Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Russell Mirasty meets Miss G and her daughter Jennifer

Saskatchewan Library Association representatives Colleen Murphy and James Hope Howard with Jennifer Wallace, her mother Ruth, and Their Honours Donna Mirasty and Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Russell Mirasty, at Government House, March 21, 2024

Carolyn Speirs, Executive Director and Private Secretary of the Lieutenant Governor's office, emceed the 2024 OBOP launch at Government House

Desmond McAllister's steel drum performance set the tone for the OBOP launch of Miss G and Me

Ian and Ruth (Williamson) MacLeod, Jennifer Wallace, and Their Honours enjoying the steel drum performance

Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Russell Mirasty expresses his appreciation for the sharing of this important cultural story

Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Russell Mirasty addresses the audience

James Hope Howard, president of the Saskatchewan Library Association, drove from La Ronge to Regina for this event


Jennifer S. Wallace shares serious and humorous excerpts from her book Miss G and Me

At the book sales table, publisher Deana Driver of DriverWorks Ink with helpers Nadine Klassen and Mary Harelkin Bishop

A reception in the Government House ballroom followed the author's reading

Author Jennifer Wallace and publisher DriverWorks Ink are grateful to the Saskatchewan Library Association for choosing Miss G and Me as their 2024 One Book One Province title. We appreciate the support and encouragement of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the beautiful venue of Government House. We also acknowledge the book publishing support from Creative Saskatchewan and we thank all those who helped make this book a wonderful reality.

(Order your copy of Miss G and Me here ocontact DriverWorks Ink directly for educational and library discounts.)